Nuclear Power
This is a set of projects that is about the similar topic, nuclear power.
The first section under this topic is about designing a coin for Deng Jiaxian who has made
outstanding contributions in nuclear power field to China. The front side of the coin shows his silhouette, and the back side of the coin represents his outstanding contribution to China's development.
Process - 1

Process - 2
The second part of Nuclear power is a infographic poster. This 24 x 36 inch infographic poster shows the growth trend of the number of nuclear power plants worldwide from 1963-2019. Also includes text analysis to further expain the data.
Rather than using bar chart or pie chart in a traditional way, I combined a image of the nuclear power plant with radial lines. These lines will represent data of each year, also give a sense of radiation.
Since the barrel shape is similar to volcano, I added rising smoke to imply the great advantage and protential threat nuclear power bringt to us.

Coin Design and Infographic Poster